Hochstuhl mit Kind

When can my baby sit in a highchair? How to recognise if your little one is ready!

IKEA Hochstuhl Fußablage

When can my baby start sitting in highchair?

Watching a little person grow is an exciting and fulfilling experience. Every stage of development is unique and brings an incredible amount of joy. A special moment is when the youngest family member takes their place at the family table and participates even more in family life. This transition is not only exciting, but also a milestone in the child's development and often represents a significant relief for mum and dad's everyday life.

In a nutshell: When will my baby be able to sit in the highchair?

  • Your baby should be able to sit well with little support.
  • Holding your baby's head is a must! If you want to use a highchair earlier, this is possible with a newborn attachment.
  • Your baby should only eat solid food in an upright sitting position.
  • Don't put your baby in the highchair for too long - plenty of movement is important!


An dieser Stelle solltest du zwischen einem klassischen Hochstuhl, in dem das Baby sitzt, und einem Hochstuhl mit Liegefunktion unterscheiden. Letzteres ist, sobald keine Gefahr des Herausfallens besteht und eine sichere Liegeposition gegeben ist, direkt nach der Geburt nutzbar.

Klassische Hochstühle dagegen werden von den meisten Herstellern ab einem Alter von ca. 6 Monaten empfohlen. Wir empfehlen dir allerdings individuell auf die Signale deines Kindes zu achten, denn die Frage lässt sich wie so oft nicht für alle Familien gleich beantworten. Wie auch bei jedem anderen Entwicklungsschritt, solltest du dein Mini nicht mit Gleichaltrigen vergleichen, denn jedes Baby entwickelt sich in seiner eigenen Geschwindigkeit – und das ist völlig normal! Dein Baby wird dir ein Zeichen geben, wann es für einen Hochstuhl im klassischen Sinne bereit ist.

IKEA Hochstuhl mit Oma und Enkelin

Zeichen, dass dein Baby für den Hochstuhl bereit ist

Die richtige Körperbeherrschung: Einer der entscheidendsten Faktoren, die dein kleiner Lieblingsmensch im Hochstuhl sitzen lassen, ist seine Körperbeherrschung. In der Regel sollten Babys in der Lage sein, ihren Kopf und ihren Rücken selbstständig aufrecht zu halten, bevor sie in einem Hochstuhl gesetzt werden. Dies geschieht normalerweise zwischen dem 4. und 6. Lebensmonat. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt entwickeln die meisten Babys ausreichende Nackenmuskulatur und Rückenstärke, um sich aufrecht zu halten.

Gemeinsame Mahlzeiten und soziale Entwicklung: Die Teilnahme am Familienessen fördert nicht nur eine gesunde Beziehung zum Essen, sondern unterstützt auch die soziale Entwicklung des Kindes. Mit dem Einnehmen eines Hochstuhls nimmt dein Kleines einen festen Platz am Familientisch ein und nimmt ab dem Zeitpunkt noch aktiver am Familienleben teil. Oft beginnen Babys damit, das Essen mit den Augen zu verfolgen oder nach Gegenständen zu greifen, die auf dem Tisch liegen. Das zeigt ihre Neugier etwas Neues zu entdecken und, dass sie bereit sein könnten, erste Geschmackserfahrungen zu machen. Du hast Fragen rund um das Thema Beikost? Alles, was du wissen musst, findest du in unserem Experteninterview mit Pia und Isabell von Malema Familienbegleitung. 

You should pay attention to this when your baby is sitting in the highchair

As soon as your baby has reached these developmental stages and is ready to sit in the highchair, it is important to take safety measures.

  • Make absolutely sure that the highchair is stable to prevent it from tipping over.
  • Also use the safety belts provided to prevent slipping out of the highchair.
  • Also make sure that when you place your baby in the highchair to eat solid food, the highchair is in an upright sitting position. There is a risk of your little one choking when lying down.
  • No longer than 20 minutes in the highchair: As much as mum and dad appreciate the relief provided by the highchair, you shouldn't overdo it. Your baby needs one thing above all: movement! A little person needs to fully develop their muscles and mobility. And anything that restricts your little one's movement is not conducive to this development. So remember not to leave your baby sitting in the highchair for longer than 20 minutes.

The perfect highchair for your baby

There are an incredible number of highchairs from various manufacturers, usually in higher price ranges. In many cases, buying a highchair can therefore be really expensive. But here too, you can rely on IKEA. With the ANTILOP*, IKEA offers what is probably the best-known highchair in the world. We are sure that you have already seen the ANTILOP at least once in a restaurant or hotel.

But the inexpensive highchair from IKEA is also perfect for your home. Thanks to the highchair, your favourite little person can now sit at the table on an "equal footing" while eating or playing. The highchair also impresses with its easy assembly and even easier disassembly. The material of the high chair is perfect for cleaning and offers an ideal surface for pimping the chair with easy-to-use IKEA hacks from Limmaland and customize.

IKEA hacks for the ANTILOP highchair

IKEA Hochstuhl mit Stützkissen

1. Seat cushion for more comfort

The IKEA highchair is not only impressive because of its price, but also because of its simplicity. It is easy to take apart and therefore easy to transport. However, this advantage also comes at a price. In our opinion, the chair makes concessions in terms of comfort (although we can't say for ourselves how comfortable the chair actually is, the very simplicity of the chair makes it less comfortable). With just a few simple steps and no need for super craftsmanship, the IKEA highchair becomes a real eye-catcher that not only looks good, but is also really comfortable. With the cushion covers in your favourite colour, your mini can snuggle up in the highchair.

IKEA ANTILOP Baby mit Fußstütze

2. No more dangling legs

For even more comfort, a custom-fit footrestfor the ANTILOP. Thanks to the footrest, the little legs no longer dangle in the air, which in turn ensures a relaxed and ergonomic sitting position in the highchair.

IKEA ANTILOP Beine bekleben

3. Customise the highchair to suit your home

With the wood-look decal for the highchair legs, you can give your favourite's chair a modern look that fits perfectly into your home.

Ikea Hacks für den Antilop Hochstuhl bieten wir den passenden Sticker und Aufkleber und die Fußstütze Fotstööd an

4. Fire up your mini's imagination

Upgrade the simple look of the highchair in a flash. Discover our cute adhesive film motifs that are easy to apply to the seat shell and footrest.

IKEA Hochstuhl Sitzkissen

5. Safe and hygienic mealtimes with your baby

With the silicone mat for the ANTILOP tray, the highchair can be cleaned in a flash after eating. The non-slip silicone mat from Limmaland prevents plates and cups from slipping off so there's not much to clean up first. When your mini has finished eating, you can simply KLECKA MATsimply wash it off or put it in the dishwasher.

* All links marked with an asterisk are advertising links that refer to the IKEA website or to pages of other advertising partners.
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