Kids camera craft
Children's camera craft
Creative craft idea for children - with free template.

Summer, sun, holiday time - it's that time again: summer holidays! The long-awaited and well-deserved family holiday is getting closer and closer. Or maybe you'll stay at home and make yourselves comfortable in your local outdoor pool? Either way, we still love looking at summer pictures in winter. And that's why we have a suitable craft project for you today: We want to make a camera with you. With a free craft template to print out. Let's get started!
Make a camera and play photographer
We live in the age of mobile phones and probably take more photos than ever before. But what was it like in the past? How does it feel to hold a developed picture in your hands? Back then, the instant camera was an absolute highlight. We all have fond memories of that, don't we? And today, the instant camera is experiencing its second spring at special occasions such as weddings and the like. Making an instant camera - would you like that? No problem!
Step-by-step guide to the children's camera
What you need:
- the free craft template in 2 colours (download using the form below)
- sturdy paper (at least 200 grams), preferably in DINA3 format
- scissors or a cutter knife
- some craft glue

Print out children's camera craft template
Firstly, select the desired craft template in yellow or blue and download it. You should use paper weighing at least 200 grams for printing. You will get the best result in DIN A3 format. Otherwise the camera will be quite small.
So geht's:
Jetzt schnappst du dir eine Schere oder ein Cutter-Messer und schneidest die Papierkamera aus. Achtung: Vergiss nicht, den schwarzen Schlitz für die Fotos auszuschneiden – und zwar BEVOR du die Teile zusammenklebst. Anschließend knickst du die Kamera an den gekennzeichneten Stellen. Und dann nur noch zusammen kleben – FERTIG! So einfach bastelst du eine Kamera für oder gemeinsam mit den Minis.
Polaroid photos to colour in
Of course, photos also have to be taken with a real camera. The cool Polaroid photos for colouring in are also included in the download package. Your mini can either colour in the pictures by hand or cut out great motifs from magazines and stick them on. This creates great "own" photos.

We hope you have lots of fun with the children's camera!
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