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Ostereier färben mit Kindern

Colouring Easter eggs with children

Colouring Easter eggs with children

Discover creative colouring techniques with simple instructions to follow - for a colourful Easter with the whole family. 🎨🐰🥚

Ostereier färben mit Kindern

Easter egg magic in two variations

Colourful eggs are definitely part of Easter, aren't they? But the ready-coloured eggs from the supermarket are a bit dull.

So today we're going to show you how you can create glittery or cool marble-effect Easter eggs with our easy instructions. So what are you waiting for? Grab your craft supplies and discover the magic of Easter egg colouring with us!

glitzer Ostereier

Variant 1: Glittering Easter eggs

Colourful Easter eggs are already great, but have you ever tried glittering Easter eggs? This year, we're going for the sparkly trend and showing you how easy it is to conjure up the glitter effect.

What you need for the glittery Easter eggs

  • Eggs
  • 2 litres of white wine or light grape juice
  • approx. 200 g sugar
  • Egg dye or food colouring
  • 2 pots (1 pot per colour)
  • 1 spoon
  • Kitchen paper
Ostereier Färben mit Glitzer
Kostenlose Bastelanleitung – Ostereier einfärben

Step 1: Prepare the liquid for colouring

To make your own glittery Easter eggs, start by dividing 200 g of sugar and 2 litres of white wine between two pots. Make sure that the liquid can cover the eggs completely. Then add food colouring - the more colour, the more intense the colouring will be.

Step 2: Colouring the eggs

The next step is to colour the eggs. Carefully place them in the colour-enriched liquid and then bring to the boil. Leave the eggs to simmer for around 8-10 minutes until they are perfectly hard-boiled.

Our tip: The intense colours really come into their own with white eggs.

Ostereier kreieren

The best gifts for the Easter basket

Ostereier mit Reis färben

Variant 2: Colouring eggs with rice

If you want to try something new with your classic egg dyes this year, we have a creative and very easy method for you: colouring eggs with rice. The special technique creates unique patterns - without any brushes or complicated tools!

What you need for egg colouring with rice:

  • Eggs
  • Rice
  • Egg dyes or food colouring
  • Freezer bags or sealable plastic containers

DIY Ostereier färben

Here's how:

Step 1: Colour the rice

Put about half a cup of rice in a plastic container or freezer bag. Add a few drops of food colouring, close the container and shake vigorously until the colour is evenly distributed. For coloured eggs, you can prepare several containers with different colours.

Step 2: Colour the egg

Place an egg in the coloured rice, close the bag or container and shake gently. Moving the rice creates a unique, speckled pattern on the shell. The longer you shake, the more intense the colour will be.

Step 3: Leave to dry

Carefully remove the egg and leave it to dry.

Ostereier Färben mit Reis
Step 4: Done!

Your Easter eggs with a great speckled pattern are ready for the Easter nest!

Variant 2: Marbled Easter eggs

Colouring eggs with shaving foam? It works wonderfully!
Because shaving foam can be used to conjure up a wonderful marbled look.

And this form of egg colouring is also sooooo much more fun than the traditional method. Because you can really make a mess. So get your hands on dad's shaving foam and let's go!

Our tip: It's best to wear rubber gloves if you don't want to scrub your hands for too long.
Eier in Mamoroptik einfärben
Eier in Mamoroptik einfärben

What you need for the marbled Easter eggs

  • Eggs
  • Egg dye or food colouring
  • Some vinegar
  • Shaving foam
  • Bowl or plate
  • Kitchen paper

Step 1: Make the preparations

Before you start, we recommend soaking the eggs in vinegar for a few minutes. This will help the colour to adhere better later. After the vinegar bath, simply pat the eggs dry.

Then spray the shaving foam onto a small plate or bowl. Now you can spread your favourite colours over the shaving foam. And you're ready to go!

Ostereier färben mit Kindern
Ostereier bemalen mit Kindern

Step 2: Marbleise the eggs

The next step is to marbleise the eggs.

To do this, roll one egg at a time through the shaving foam. Back and forth, criss-cross until the egg is really colourful!

Step 3: Leave the coloured eggs to dry

Place the egg, which is now of course still full of shaving foam, to one side on kitchen paper.

Now wait a few hours until the colour has dried and then dab off the shaving foam. If you are not so patient , you can also carefully dab off the shaving foam directly. This creates a slightly different pattern by smudging the colour.

Eier färben mit Rasierschaum

Even more ideas for Easter with children

In addition to colouring eggs, we have even more craft ideas for Easter.

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