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wochenplan mit kindern

Montessori: DIY weekly plan for children

wochenplan mit kindern

Montessori: DIY weekly plan for children

Do you often face the challenge of organising a structured yet exciting daily routine for your little explorers? Whether at home or at daycare, we'll show you how you can playfully bring structure into your children's everyday lives.

Fun and organisation with the RÜTMUS weekly calendar

Children love it when everyday life is colourful and exciting. Our "RÜTMUS" weekly calendar provides both at the same time! With the help of the cute and colourful symbol cards, even your little ones who can't read yet can get actively involved. Every day will be an adventure together! So what are you waiting for?

A fixed daily routine is particularly important for children. Structure in everyday life gives children a feeling of safety and security and provides rhythm and security for the family.

A weekly schedule not only provides a clear overview of the days ahead, but also encourages your little one's independence and willingness to take responsibility.

Planning with colourful symbol cards

So that it not only looks nicer, but is also easier for your little ones to understand, the symbol cards have small pictures and are sorted by colour according to activity:
  • Grey: Food & drink
  • Mint: Things we all have to do...
  • Coral: Creative things
  • Light yellow: Exercise & sport
  • Mustard: Everything that has to do with playing
  • Mint: Digital media
  • Blue: Mum's Day/Papa's Day (for separated parents)
vorlage wochenplan

Step-by-step instructions

You need these crafting utensils:

Making the calendar is very easy and you only need:

1. Our free craft template "RÜTMUS"

2. Craft scissors and glue

Download free craft template for the DIY weekly plan

Simply enter your details in the form. And you can look forward to receiving the free craft template in your e-mail inbox.

kalender für kinder erstellen

Step 1: Print out the template

With the free download, you will receive a PDF file with 6 pages containing a weekly plan and a total of 168 symbol cards to print out.

Tip: If you have a laminator, you can also laminate the planner and the activity cards to make the weekly planner more robust and durable! You can also print out RÜTMUS again and again once you have downloaded the template.

Step 2: Cut out the symbol cards

Once you have printed out the template, you can now start crafting: Take the craft scissors and carefully cut out the symbol cards (ideally on a thicker paper) along the markings.

wochenplan mit kindern
wochenplan pdf downloaden kostenlos

Step 3: Plan the day's schedule

Have you finished cutting out? Then it's time to plan together. Label the empty spaces on the left-hand side of the planner with the times.

Tip: If your child can't read numbers yet, you can also draw the time on as a clock. Now stick the cut-out cards in the corresponding boxes to complete the weekly plan with your children.

Step 4: Hang up the weekly plan in a visible place

And it's that easy, your weekly plan is ready! Now you just need to hang it up in a suitable place.
It's best to do this somewhere where your children can see it easily, for example on the fridge.

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Planning is fun!

Our DIY weekly plan for the family is not only an organisational tool, but also a way to spend time together. With its Montessori features, the planner playfully teaches your little ones personal responsibility and structure without imposing pressure.

A well-organised daily routine not only means less stress, but also more time for the more important things in life. Whether as a weekly plan for daycare or the family, you can use our RÜTMUS in a variety of ways!

We hope you enjoy making it!

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